65Chapter FourOccupations Any magazine-cover hack can splash paint around wildly and call it a nightmare or a Witches' Sabbath or a portrait of the devil, but only a great painter can make such a thing really scare or ring true. Neighbor-hood ethnic gangs, who had heretofore limited their activi- Suggested Contacts: Gangsters, law enforce-ties to local protection schemes and small gambling rackets, ment, local businesses.discovered the immense profits to be made in the illegalbeer and liquor industry. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 The latter pay barely enough to keep players fed and on the team. Regular assaults on Mt. You are indebted to them. Police Experience PackageOptional Rule: The investigator has served for a number of years on a policeExperienced Investigators force or has retired from this profession. Science (Geology) Geology Science (Pharmacy) Pharmacy Players should be especially aware of the new social skills Science (Physics) Physicsof Charm and Intimidate, and may wish to spend points Sleight of Hand Concealfrom their skill pool to boost these. 2,000 yards 1/2 1 only N/A 1920s, Artillery 6D10/ 3 Modern Hand yards 2 Separate N/A Modern Grenade* Artillery 4D10/ 3 1/4 Separate $1,500/- 1920s, 81mm Artillery yards Modern Mortar 1 Separate N/A Modern75mm Field Artillery 6D10/ 6 yards Gun Demoli- 120mm tions 10D10/ 2 Tank Gun yards(stabilized) Demoli- Ship- tions 15D10/ 4 mounted yards5-inch rifle, Firearms stabilized (Flame- 12D10/ 4 3,000 yards 2 Auto- N/A 98 Modern Anti- thrower) yards Personnel Firearms magazine Mine (Heavy) Claymore 4D10/ 5 In place In place One use N/A 99 1920s, Mine* yards Modern Flame- In place In place One use N/A thrower 6D6/ 20 25 yards 1 At least 10 N/A 99 Modern yards LAW* 93 1920s, 2D6+burn Modern 8D10/ 1 150 yards 1 1 N/A 98 Modern yardKey Skill: skill required to use the weapon.Acronyms: Damage: roll the dice indicated to determine weapons dam- age. Skills: Accounting, Drive Auto, one interpersonal skill (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate or Persuade), History, Occult, Psychology, Science (Biology), (Chemistry).Students tend to be younger characters Union Activist Union activists are organizers, leaders and sometimes either visionaries or malcontents with an axe to grind, normally a friend to the workers and an enemy of the bosses. Forensic surgeons are often called toFlapper [Classic] give testimony at criminal proceedings.Being a flapper is a state of Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4mind rather than an oc-cupation, although some Credit Rating: 40-60.dilettantes have raised it toa fine art. Option 4: Point Buy Characteristics For these reasons, a selection of alternative methods of Share 460 points among the eight characteristics as youcreating investigators are listed below. Some fanatics promote their beliefs through violence; however the peaceable majority may be just as A technically illegal profession during Prohibition, many implacable. While benefitting from their experience, they also bear its scars. 68chapter 4: occupationsDoctor of Medicine [Lovecraftian] see Psychiatrist Police Detective/Officer [Lovecraftian]Drifter Private InvestigatorDriver Professor [Lovecraftian]Editor ProspectorElected Official PsychiatristEngineer Psychologist/PsychoanalystEntertainer ReporterExplorer [Classic] ResearcherFarmer SailorFederal Agent SalespersonFence see Criminal ScientistFirefighter SecretaryFlapper [Classic] ShopkeeperForeign Correspondent Smuggler see CriminalForensic Surgeon Soldier/MarineForger/Counterfeiter see Criminal SpyGambler Street Punk see CriminalGangster Student/InternGangsters Moll [Classic] StuntmanGentleman Taxi Driver see DriverHacker see Computer Programmer Thug see CriminalHobo Tribe MemberHooker UndertakerHospital Orderly Union ActivistJournalist [Lovecraftian] Valet see ButlerJudge Waitress, CocktailLaboratory Assistant White-collar WorkerLaborer ZealotLawyer ZookeeperLibrarian [Lovecraftian]Lumberjack see LaborerMechanicMilitary OfficerMiner see LaborerMissionaryMountain ClimberMuseum CuratorMusicianNurseOccultist [Lovecraftian]OutdoorsmanParapsychologistPharmacistPhotographerPhotojournalist see PhotographerPilot also see Aviator 69investigator's handbookAccountant travel by train, presenting new plays as well as classics by Shakespeare and others. Some are mainly office-based, working telephones toSailor contact potential clients, while others travel between com- munities to sell their wares door-to-door.Sailors may be military or commercial. If you feel there are too many lowrolls (perhaps three or more under 10), roll an additional 3. Suggested Contacts: While the majority of followers will be regular people, the more charismatic the leader, the greater the possibility of celebrity followers, 76chapter 4: occupations such as movie stars and rich widows. Stealth. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (APP x 2 or POW x 2) Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 Credit Rating: 1040 Credit Rating: 1040 Suggested Contacts: Zoos, circus folk, patrons, actors. Perhaps he or she was one of the few who escaped with their lives from the sinking Titanic, served The categories of Injuries & Scars, Phobias & Manias, Ar- as a police officer in New York City on September 11, 2001,cane Tomes, Spells & Artifacts, and Encounters with Strange or stood on the front lines of the Boer War? Suggested Contacts: Booksellers, community groups, specialist researchers. sanctioned assassinations.Shopkeeper Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (APP x 2 or DEX x 2)The owner of a small shop, market stall or perhaps res- Credit Rating: 2060taurant. American flying aces of the World War still in the publiclimelight include: Eddie Rickenbacker, presently employed Police Detectiveby Chrysler Corporation; Tommy Hitchcock, Jr., now a staron the polo fields; and Reed Landis, son of Baseball Com- Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (DEX x 2 or STR x 2)missioner Kenesaw Mountain Landis. Some schemesare elaborate, involving teams of scammen and rented buildings; others are 75investigator's handbookBootlegger/Thug Forger/CounterfeiterOccupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + STR x 2 Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4Credit Rating: 530 Credit Rating: 2060Suggested Contacts: Organized crime, street-level law Suggested Contacts: Organized crime, businesspeople. If an investigator rises high in a skill un-related to their profession, player and Keeper could confer When a skill roll is failed a player may attempt the roll againabout changing the investigator to a new profession. 9. turn leading to a successful criminal prosecution. Take5. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (DEX x 2 or STR x 2) Skills: History, Other Language, Own Language, Listen, Credit Rating: 930 two interpersonal skills (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimi- date or Persuade), Psychology, any one other skill as Suggested Contacts: Civic workers, a personal or era specialty. with other human beings. Architects must one other skill as a personal or era specialty. black market and legitimate buyers. Make 3 improvement checks for EDU.60s Deduct 20 points from STR, CON or DEX (split across one, two or all three), and reduce APP by 15. (STR x 2 or DEX x 2) Whether bootleggers, corner-boys or thugs, these are the soldiers Credit Rating: 575of organized crime. what do you blame them? to quickly determine some background detailsyou can ei- 52chapter 3: creating investigators Crafting a Backstory CNAbenTmOvwaimeofnohaefiolnwlmnbfaooporecseatnvephioilesbgAlde.ausydeiedenhtvIirrlinrewsnyocc.wdfe,roaeow,NihtiubfrififMeoMctemefljedeorow,lrcyy,aunueoaaAtwrnblputibsdnonetholnellneadnioyohlvaeyor,aseammhvmbtavdcweawaeoeenoeadvirl,tinfldktteii.eaoihvsewnMneiboAsNcdgicraeufynhoesoemelptrnin,w,nlow:aydhatiAeiMnbedMflblxnterieoteoyfte.,-ylte.-.-; gether. Suggested Contacts: News industry, film in-Pharmacist dustry (1920s), foreign governments and authorities.Pharmacists have long been more closely regulated thanphysicians. death of a loved one, your financial ruin, marital breakup). Allocate 40, 50, 50, 50, 60, 60, 70, 80 where you like among your characteristics.Option 2: Modifying Low Rolls 2. Look at Table II: Cash and Assets (page @@) to determine your investigator's cash and assets. Like this book? a letter you found in 9. Most work outside of the office, interviewing wit- nesses, checking records and gathering stories. Assault rifles haveStun: target may not act for 1D6 rounds (or as the Keeper a fire selector allowing for single shots or 3-round burst orindicates). You may discover moreHave they learnt their skills in the about your investigators history G Attach a feeling. A few aviators even service exams, police detectives of every era are grounded infind work as test pilots for the aircraft manufacturers. humanity. 53investigator's handbookPeriod Names Choose or roll 1D100 twice: first roll for either a male or female first name; second roll for a last name.Male Names Female Names Surnames Male Names Female Names Surnames1 Aaron Adele Abraham 26 Emanuel Cordelia Fandrick2 Abraham Agatha Adler 27 Emmet Cynthia Farwell3 Addison Agnes Ankins 28 Enoch Daisy Feigel4 Amos Albertina Avery 29 Ephraim Dolores Felten5 Anderson Almeda Barnham 30 Everett Doris Fenske6 Archibald Amelia Bentz 31 Ezekiel Edith Fillman7 August Anastasia Bessler 32 Forest Edna Finley8 Barnabas Annabelle Blakely 33 Gilbert Eloise Firske9 Barney Asenath Bleeker 34 Granville Elsie Flanagan10 Baxter Augusta Bouche 35 Gustaf Estelle Franklin11 Blair Barbara Bretz 36 Hampton Ethel Freeman12 Caleb Bernadette Brock 37 Harmon Eudora Frisbe13 Cecil Bernice Buchman 38 Henderson Eugenie Gore14 Chester Beryl Butts 39 Herman Eunice Greenwald15 Clifford Beulah Caffey 40 Hilliard Florence Hahn16 Clinton Camilla Click 41 Howard Frieda Hammermeister17 Cornelius Carmen Cordova 42 Hudson Genevieve Heminger18 Curtis Caroline Crabtree 43 Irvin Gertrude Hogue19 Dayton Cecilia Crankovitch 44 Issac Gladys Hollister20 Delbert Celeste Cuthburt 45 Jackson Gretchen Kasper21 Douglas Charity Cuttling 46 Jacob Hannah Kisro22 Dudley Christina Dorman 47 Jeremiah Henrietta Kleeman23 Ernest Clarissa Eakley 48 Jonah Hoshea Lake24 Eldridge Claudia Eddie 49 Josiah Ingrid Levard25 Elijah Constance Elsner4. 06%19% 20%49% Neophyte: beginner with a smallSkill Definitions 50%74% amount of knowledge.Skills represent what is known within a certain era, and 75%89% Amateur: possesses some talent or rudi-some skills are tagged [Modern] to denote that they can 90%+ mentary training (hobby level).only be used in modern-day settings. You Losing ones key connection during play requires a San- can choose to start there if you wish; however your inves- ity roll (1/1D6 Sanity point loss). Dreamer (e.g. Harvey wakes one over another. Skills: Art/Craft (Instrument), one interpersonal skill (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate or Persuade), Listen, The outsdoorsman might work as a wilderness guide or Psychology, any four other skills. Beyond that damage isignored. 7. The investigator has served in one of the Armed Forces dur- 7. 3. You can publish your book online for free in a few minutes. 5. However, life on the Uses words to report and comment upon topics and inci-road or rails is dangerous. Scientific grants, private donations and museumships through either birth or appointment. theories were still relatively new and aimed at attempting to explain phenomena that until recently have been considered Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (DEX x 2 or STR x 2) to be biological in nature. Psychology, Stealth, Spot Hidden. Your family home (e.g. In the 1920s, the theatrical center of the U.S. is in NewYork City, although there are major stages in most citiesacross the country. or given the option to become involved. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 Skills: Fighting (Brawl), Firearms, First Aid, one in- Credit Rating: 30-60 terpersonal skill (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate or Persuade), Law, Psychology, Spot Hidden and one Suggested Contacts: Old military contacts, other pilots, of the following as a personal specialty: Drive Auto- airfield mechanics, businessmen. life and soul of the party, entertaining 6. 80chapter 4: occupationsGambler lawyers, businesses and residents of the same ethnic community.Gamblers are the dandies of the criminal world. Except for a few oc- cupations like Soldier, additional skill points for Fighting and Firearms normally come out of personal interest skill points. 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