Elections in 2023 | Secretary: Jeanne Montemurro This list is not meant to be comprehensive: Suffolk County Family Court, New York New York Supreme Court 10th Judicial District New York District Courts Suffolk County Court, New York Suffolk County Surrogate's Court, New York 400 Carleton Avenue Apply to Front Desk Agent, Human Trafficking Advocate, Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor and more! color: white; Her current focus is upon researching and supporting sustainable development and decarbonisation within the built environment. Voters elect convention delegates in the primary election, and the delegates choose the supreme court candidates who will be on the general election ballot.[4][5]. Do we have your current address? Office Assistant - Part-time (17.5 hours per week) Suffolk County Hauppauge, NY $15 an hour Part-time FAX: 631-853-7569, HON. 400 Carleton Avenue Ballotpedia provides comprehensive coverage of the 100 largest cities in America by population as well as mayoral, city council, and district attorney election coverage in state capitals outside of the 100 largest cities. Chambers: John P. Cohalan, Jr. Court Complex This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Central Islip, NY 11722 How to notify the court of a change in address. The Suffolk County Office for the Aging is the designated Area Agency on Aging under the Older American Act. FAX: 631-852-2986, HON. State and local courts | Domestic Violence, Drug Court, Mental Health Court, Veterans Court, Human Trafficking Court, District Court in the outlying courthouses in Hauppauge, Huntington Station, Lindenhurst, Patchogue, and Ronkonkoma According to statute, candidates for the supreme courts are chosen indirectly through delegates. Staff continues to work around the clock to restore vital services and will use this site to provide updates as progress is made. Law Clerk: Penni Blizzard-McGrath Stephen Braslow 15 6 631-852-1431 sufbraslow@nycourts.gov John P. Cohalan, Jr. Court Complex, D45 Christine Howard Managing Director Howard Nurseries has led the company to be one of the environmental leaders in the UK horticultural industry. Daniel has lived in East Suffolk for most of his life and holds a lifelong passion for environmental matters particularly wildlife. Filed Aug 29, 2022 Status Disposed-Court Date/Application Pending Case # 007376/2003 County Suffolk County, NY Judge Foreclosure Housing Counselors & Legal Referrals, Para ver la informacin en espaol, haga clic aqu, Landlord and Tenant Legal Service Referrals, Information about Coronavirus and the NYS Courts, Return to In-Person Operations in the 10th Judicial District, Suffolk; Operational Changes due to Coronavirus Crisis, Preliminary Conference Stipulation and Order form, Procedure for Conversion to Electronic Filing, Information about EDDS - UCS Program for the Electronic Delivery of Documents, Information about EDDS for Suffolk County, Matrimonial Cases Procedures and Protocols for Virtual Chambers, Video and Telephonic Orders of Protection Requests. Freedom of Information Act - Important Information I have been in my current role as Head of Natural & Historic Environment at Suffolk County Council since 2018. This enables Small and Medium Enterprises all over Norfolk and Suffolk to access advice and accreditation towards cutting their carbon footprint and boosting their business through improved efficiency. These people are committed to helping the countyto reach Net Zero by 2030 find out more about them below. List of Suffolk County Charities & Non Profits Find Suffolk County, New York charities and nonprofits. Central Islip, New York 11722 I have seen the impact of Howards environment decisions for inspiring our stakeholders to support Howards, alongside encouraging other businesses to start being more environmentally aware. Please return mail in absentee ballot requests to the Suffolk County Board of Elections at PO Box 700, Yaphank, NY 11980. MARY PORTER Terms begin, 4th Monday, Jan., March, May, July, Sept. & Nov. Grand Juries, 1st day of Term and 4th Wed in Feb., April, June, Aug., & Oct.; 2nd Wed. in Dec. Civil cases set by civil court administrator. Here are a few ways you can open this document using Acrobat Reader: Note: The following downloads must be printed on legal size (8-1/2 x 14) paper. P.O. BD-2022-060 . I know the positive effect that people can have on the natural world and in turn, the effect it can have on people. We will email you The green tourism offer has always been strong in Suffolk and Matt is very much looking forward to discovering more about what this innovative industry is currently doing to support sustainable visits to his home county. Judge Courtroom Part Chambers Tele # Chambers Email Hon. We're proud to announce that Leo K. Barnes Jr. has been appointed to the Judicial Screening Committee of the Suffolk County Bar Association. FAX: 631-853-7603, HONORABLE F. SCOTT CARRIGAN DV1 & HTI Acting County Court Judge Second District Court - Babylon Independent candidates may also run in the general election, bypassing the primary. School districts | He taught at Suffolk College before working for local government leading on environmental services, built environment and public protection. Howard Nurseries has been a Gold Carbon Charter member for 10 years, listed as one of Archants Green 100 members, alongside receiving The Creating the Greenest Country Water Award 2014. I have been the Suffolk Waste Partnership Manager for 16 years. Suffolk County is located within the 10th Judicial District and contains several different trial courts. FAX: 631-853-8393, HON. FindLaw offers a free RSS feed for this court. Law Clerk: Donnie Sallah Hon. Suffolk County is the easternmost county in New York State and is divided into 10 towns: Babylon, Brookhaven, East Hampton, Huntington, Islip, Riverhead (county seat), Shelter Island, Smithtown, Southampton and Southold. Riverhead, NY 11901 To see the candidates that will appear on the ballot for the Special Election for Town of Brookhaven, Town Clerk, please click on the link below: Suffolk County Early Voting Flyer English (, Votacin Temprana del Condado de Suffolk (, https://www.elections.ny.gov/NYSBOE/download/voting/AbsenteeBallot-English.pdf, https://www.elections.ny.gov/NYSBOE/download/voting/AbsenteeBallot-Spanish.pdf, https://absenteeballot.elections.ny.gov/home/accessible. I am already passionate about safeguarding our environment for future generations. For more information please call (631) 852-2000. Secretary: Maureen Flynn Appeals from the Eastern District go to the United States Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit. Central Islip, NY 11722 Suffolk County, NY Judge Hon. Since 2011, she has worked at University College London, Faculty of Education and Society, where she teaches geography and leads on climate change and sustainability within the PGCE programme. ALFRED GRAF FAX: 631-854-1127, HONORABLE STEPHEN L. UKEILEY FAX: 631-853-4288. U.S. Congress | Acting Supreme Court Justice Chambers: John P. Cohalan, Jr. Court Complex Suffolk County is located within the 10th Judicial District and contains several different trial courts.[1]. Civil Court - jurisdiction limited to damages up to $15,000 try clicking the minimize button instead. Acting County Court Judge MATTHEWHUGHES Courts See also: Suffolk County, New York (Judicial) The following courts are located in Suffolk County, New York. Third District Court Huntington FAX: 631-853-5724, HON. Early Voting for the Special Election will be held from January 7 to January 15. Search Suffolk County Finance Court Records for Free. Suffolk County District Court Clerk's Office - First District Criminal. 400 Carleton Avenue text-align:center; Suffolk County District Attorney's Office JOB TITLE:Victim Witness Advocate in District & Municipal Courts REPORTSTO:Unit Chief/Supervisor,SupervisingVWA, andChiefofVictimWitnessProgram . Your alert tracking was successfully added. #counties { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; Mental Hygiene/Drug Court Your subscription has successfully been upgraded. FAX: 631-853-7610, HONORABLE TONI A. BEAN Public policy. Suffolk County Administrative Judge Suffolk County Administrative Judge has 0 rating. Chambers: Arthur M. Cromarty Court Complex The United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York has jurisdiction in Suffolk County. Secretary: Barbara Hansen Critics of the Suffolk supreme court claim a culture of rule-breaking exists, pointing to a red-faced moment in 2007 when Marion McNulty, then the county's top . Andrew A. Crecca District Executive Warren G. Clark, Esq. . A culture of judicial impunity. Do It Yourself (DIY) Forms are available on each Court's website. Peter Frost holds the position of Environment Strategy Officer for Suffolk County Council and is part of the Carbon Charter project. Chambers: Arthur M. Cromarty Court Complex Chambers: John P. Cohalan, Jr. Court Complex Help expand Ballotpedia's elections coverage - volunteer with us. State executives | Cases are browsable by date and searchable by docket number, case title, and full text. Upcoming Elections There will be a Special Election for Town Clerk, Town of Brookhaven on January 17th, 2023. Central Islip, NY 11722 Accessing Verdicts requires a change to your plan. General Information: 631-208-5775 HONORABLE KAREN KERR Supervising Judge of District Court Family Court Judge and Acting Supreme Court Justice John P. Cohalan, Jr. Court Complex, D31 400 Carleton Avenue Central Islip, NY 11722 FAX: 631-853-7417 HONORABLE JOHN J. ANDREWS We will email you Central Islip, NY 11722 The Judicial Screening Committee is composed of 25 active bar members of recognized standing, judgment, and independence, and tasked with investigating the background, experience, and other . Human Trafficking Court & Domestic Violence John P. Cohalan, Jr. Complex D51 I am honoured to be asked to judge this years Greenest County Awards. 400 Carleton Avenue You can always see your envelopes John P. Cohalan, Jr. Court Complex, D33 City Court judges act as arraigning magistrates and conduct preliminary hearings in felony cases. Patchogue, New York 11772 400 Carleton Avenue trial jurisdiction over misdemeanors, violations and infractions Lindenhurst, NY 11757 District Court in the Cohalan Court Complex, Central Islip Criminal Court trial jurisdiction over misdemeanors, violations and infractions preliminary jurisdiction over felonies font-weight: bold; This court hears cases involving families and children, including, adoption, guardianship and foster care. District Court in the Cohalan Court Complex, Central Islip Your credits were successfully purchased. Secretary: Christine Pomilio I have over ten years experience working with sustainable businesses in Suffolk including establishing theCarbon Charterand managing Business Energy Efficiency (BEE) Anglia. Central Islip, NY 11722 With an undergraduate degree in Environmental Analysis and a Post Graduate in Environmental Management for Business; she also is a Chartered Environmentalist and full member of both the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment and the Institute of Environmental Sciences. FAX: 631-853-6245, HONORABLE JOHN KELLY David A. Lowy . State legislature | 400 Carleton Avenue Central Islip, NY 11722 Appeals from the Eastern District go to the United States Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit . FAX: 631-208-3637, HONORABLE JENNIFER A. HENRY }, Procedures for Extreme Risk Protection Orders filing in Suffolk County. ANDREA H. SCHIAVONI Choose Court TypeCounty CourtCourt of ClaimsDistrict CourtFamily CourtSupreme CourtSurrogate's CourtTown CourtVillage Court Local rules adopted pursuant to Section 8.01-4. District Administrative Judge's Office Suffolk County Clerk Public Access is now open for in-person title searches to allow real estate transactions to proceed. 400 Carleton Avenue Chambers: John P. Cohalan, Jr. Court Complex when new changes related to " are available. Suffolk County. North Country Complex, Building #C158 400 Carleton Avenue overflow: visible; /* IE hack */ CAREN LOGUERCIO Acting Supreme Court Justice Supreme Court web page: http://ww2.nycourts.gov/COURTS/10jd/suffolk/supreme.shtml Judge Courtroom Part Chambers Tele # Chambers Email Teams Link Hon. Suffolk Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court 5th Judicial District of Virginia Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Courts Informational Pamphlet. Law Clerk: Randy Berler Central Islip, NY 11722 Greenport Justice Court. The website will allow you to search for permits by name, address, or permit number. All others can be dropped off for processing. FAX: 631-853-5951, HONORABLE CHERYL M. HELFER Please wait a moment while we load this page. Copyright 2021 Green Suffolk | Website by Infotex | Accessibility Statement| Privacy Policy | All Rights Reserved. You can always see your envelopes padding: 2px 7px 2px 6px; select { border:solid 1px #000000; John P. Cohalan, Jr. Court Complex, D61 Welcome to the Office of Suffolk County Clerk, Request for Naturalization Records Fill In, it2663_fill_in after 12-31-2021 but before 01-01-2023, it2663_fill_in after 12-31-2022 but before 01-01-2024, PeconicBayRegion Fill in Ending March 2023 8.5 x 14, Please Click Here to View Special Instructions to Download rp5217.pdf, Suffolk County Recording and Endorsement Form 2023, AMENDED BUSINESS CERTIFICATE for PARTNERS, CERTIFICATE of DISCONTINUANCE of BUSINESS PARTNERS, CERTIFICATE of DISCONTINUANCE of BUSINESS, Obtaining Certified Copies of Land Records, Recording Documents that are Verified by Real Property Tax Service or Do Not Require Real Property Tax Service Verification. | Supervising Judge of District Court Secretary: Erika Martinez You can reset the default on your browser to use Acrobat Reader. The candidate who wins the Democratic primary, for example, will go on to be the Democratic nominee in the general election. Fernando M. Camacho F-35 4 631-740-3625 sufcamacho@nycourts.gov Criminal Court Absentee ballot applications may be submitted online at https://absenteeballot.elections.ny.gov or may be made by a signed written request or application by email, mail or fax to the Suffolk Board. FAX: 631-853-5405 631-208-5637, Landlord & Tenant FAQ's (housing, evictions), Post-judgment FAQ's (collecting, enforcing, vacating), Additional information about individual Judges of the NYS Unified Court System may be found in the Judicial Directory, list of Suffolk District Court Judges by courtroom. Box 9080 Central Islip, NY 11722-9080 Phone: 631-208-5600 Fax: 631-853-7741 District Administrative Judge Hon. FAX: 631-853-6245, HONORABLE RICHARD T. DUNNE Christine understands the challenges of running a business alongside balancing the desire to make environmental decisions. John P. Cohalan, Jr. Court Complex, D31 Matthew has lived in Suffolk over the last 30 years with Claire and their children, a black labrador, chickens and sometimes a few thousand honeybees! FERNANDO CAMACHO Search Domestic Violence case records for Suffolk County Supreme Courts - access online court records for Domestic Violence case records, get updates, download documents and more. Hauppauge, New York 11788 Instructions must be submitted prior to trial. I have a deep and abiding love for Suffolk having lived in the county since 1990. Central Islip, NY 11722 Suffolk County Supreme Court Judge David T. Reilly's Jan. 6 decision sided with the Oak Hills Association, a civic group representing the subdivision residents. Central Islip, NY 11722 Solicitud Telefonica y por video para obtener una orden de proteccion. I am delighted to be able to judge the Suffolk, Creating the Greenest County Awards again because the awards celebrate the terrific team and individual efforts that go in to making Suffolk the wonderful, green county that it is. Justine has been an environmental professional for over 20 years; starting her career as a fast track graduate within the Ministry of Defence and later running her own environmental consultancy assisting blue chip companies, SMEs and public sector organisations. Central Islip, NY 11722 IN RE: KRIS C. FOSTER, ANNE K. KACZMAREK AND JOHN C. VERNER. FAX: 631-853-5405, HONORABLE JAMES MCDONAUGH 400 Carleton Avenue Case docket: HSBC BANK USA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE FOR THE CERTIFICATEHOLDERS OF THE MLMI TRUST, MORTGAGE LOAN ASSET-BACKED CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2005-WMC1 v. JACQUILYN WELSOME et al, 068865/2014 in New York State, Suffolk County, Supreme Court, William B Rebolini presiding, last filing 10/27/2016, filed 10/22/2014. Central Islip, NY 11722 400 Carleton Avenue, Central Islip, NY 11722 Acoustical Society Of America 2 Huntington Quadrangle Melville, NY American Kidney Fund 145 Pinelawn Road Melville, NY Association of Belltel Retirees 181 Main Street Cold Spring Harbor, NY BROOKHAVEN TOWN HALL1 INDEPENDENCE HILLFARMINGVILLE NY 11738, BOARD OF ELECTIONS OFFICE700 YAPHANK AVENUEYAPHANK NY 11980, ROSE CARACAPPA SENIOR CENTER281 PHELPS LNN BABYLON NY 11703, MASTIC VOLUNTEER AMBULANCE1630 MONTAUK HIGHWAYMASTIC NY 11950. by clicking the Inbox on the top right hand corner. Suffolk County Superior Court Address Suffolk County Courthouse 3 Pemberton Square, Boston, MA 02108 Directions Phone Civil Clerk's Office (617) 788-8175 Criminal Clerk's Office (617) 788-8160 Probation Department (617) 788-7255 Fax Criminal Clerk's Office (617) 788-7798 Probation Department (617) 788-7277 Go to a list of Suffolk District Court Judges by courtroom. Judge Part Chambers Tele # s Email Hon. Suffolk County is one of sixty-two counties in the state of New York. He helped set up Elmhurst Kitchen Community Garden, Transition Woodbridge and the Suffolk Climate Change Partnership. FAX: 631-853-7603, HONORABLE JAMES F. MATTHEWS Paul Baisley Supervising Judge of Civil Parts 405 36 631-852-3888 sufbaisley@nycourts.gov Hon. FAX: 631-853-7417, HONORABLE JOHN J. ANDREWS FAX: 631-853-7603, HONORABLE BERNARD C. CHENG The Suffolk County Board of Elections, located at 700 Yaphank Avenue, Yaphank, NY is a bipartisan agency responsible for all aspects of the electoral process. Richard Ambro 11 5 631-852-2176 sufambro@nycourts.gov Hon. 400 Carleton Avenue By the Court, /s/ David A. Lowy . I have lived in Suffolk for over 30 years but in my professional career I have been involved in a wide variety of national and local environmental, heritage and rural development initiatives. #CourtListings { [1] Judges Bernard Cheng Joan M. Genchi George Harkin Jr. Richard Hoffmann 400 Carleton Avenue John P. Cohalan, Jr. Court Complex, D54 Suffolk County Courts Lawsuits filed on 08/23/2022 in Suffolk County Courts Showing 1 - 74 court cases filed in Suffolk County Courts on 08/23/2022 JULIA TESTA v. KEITH DONALDSON Suffolk County Courts | Supreme Court | Property | 08/23/2022 POLICE OFFICER WOOL v. JOSEPH DORA Suffolk County Courts | Supreme Court | Other | 08/23/2022 In addition to the support of our generous sponsors, these awards wouldnt be possible without thetime, energyand integrity of our judges. Suffolk County Court Judge Mary Porter Suffolk County Family Court Judge Joseph DiBenedetto Town Justice DiBenedetto, 75, of Riverhead, is running on the Democratic Party line for the general election. Acting Supreme Court Justice Central Islip, NY 11722 Acting County Court Judge . Accessing Verdicts requires a change to your plan. . Matthew is Suffolk County Councils Environment Strategy Manager involved in the Warm Homes Suffolk energy efficiency retrofit work, carbon budgeting and electric vehicle charging infrastructure. Secretary: Kathy Flynn How to find out if the court is closed, and what it means to your court case. Central Islip, NY 11722 Street Address: 100 Federal Plaza Central Islip, NY 11722 Mailing Address: United States District Court for the New York Eastern District He coordinates the programme of work in support of Plan delivery and has previously delivered and secured funding for a broad range of county-wide carbon reduction projects, including those in support of business resource efficiency, since joining Suffolk County Council in 2009. 210 Center Drive Adding your team is easy in the "Manage Company Users" tab. Emergency Closing information Since childhood I have immersed myself in nature and the outdoors wanting to care and enjoy all it has to offer. 100 Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge, NY First District Court Suffolk County 400 Carlton Avenue Central Islip, NY Islandia Justice Court Southampton Town Court Lake Grove Village Court East . Veterans Memorial Highway John P. Cohalan, Jr. Court Complex 400 Carleton Avenue Suffolk General District Court 5th Judicial District of Virginia General District Courts Informational Pamphlet Clerk Ms Deborah Jane Gardner Phone/Fax Phone: (757) 514-4822 Fax: (757) 514-7783 Clerk's Office Hours 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Address 150 North Main Street Suffolk, VA 23434-4552 Judges Hon. M. Cromarty Court Complex the United States District Court for the 2nd Circuit will allow you to for... 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